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  Joanie Langelier  


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Joanie Langelier Translations

In our increasingly fast-paced world, international business activities are more connected than ever and companies can now easily communicate with a simple click! Despite these technological advancements, one important aspect of communication remains unchanged: there are nearly 7,000 languages currently used around the world. That doesn’t mean language barriers should be an obstacle in your business activities! Your reach can go beyond markets in your working language. That’s where Joanie Langelier Translations comes in. As your valuable ally, we’re dedicated to giving your company a voice in another language so your business can continue to grow.
Whether you need translation, revision, or proofreading, you’re in the right place. We look forward to working with you!




Is your content written in one language? Let our translation services take it from here! Your business’s success in another language relies on accurate, effective translations adapted to your target market.

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Do you have documents in multiple languages and want to be sure they convey the right message and will be received equally well by their target audiences? Opt for our complete revision service!

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Do you have material in one language that needs adjustments to its language and style? Our editing and proofreading service is designed for you.

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Have you created the perfect ad in one language, but are unsure how to express the same idea for other markets? We can help!

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Terminology research

Working in a specialized or emerging field and looking to establish the right terms to use in another language? The right terminologist will make sure your company uses the right terms across its languages.

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Montréal l'hiver, Traductons Joanie Langelier


​​Joanie Langelier Translations is a dynamic company offering linguistic services in a wide range of fields. Located in the beautiful metropolis of Montreal, Joanie Langelier Translations is in everyday contact with its working languages of English and French, making us ideally positioned, culturally and geographically, as an expert translation, revision, proofreading, adaptation, and terminology service provider for these two languages. We also offer services in other languages to meet even more of your needs.


We know how difficult it can be for companies to break into a market dominated by a language other than the one they work in. Our mission is to make sure you consistently convey your message clearly and efficiently in a way that meets your specific needs.


A language barrier shouldn’t limit the reach of your business in other geographic markets. No matter your field, simply translating the words isn’t enough; the message needs to be adapted to your target market to sound natural and idiomatic. Our philosophy is to ensure the success of your copy by conveying your ideas in the right words using nuance that speaks to your particular audience.


Tired of waiting for your service provider to respond to you or your requests for quotes? Wait no more! At Joanie Langelier Translations, we listen to your business’s unique needs and offer unparalleled service for a superior customer experience. Our priority is producing content that meets YOUR expectations.

The experience I’ve developed over my professional career in translation has allowed me to build knowledge and skills related not only to translation, but to various specialized fields including medical cannabis, marketing, PR, culture, e-commerce, new technologies, retail, tourism, and web content, among many others. I undertake each project with an eye for quality, precision, and consistency.
Working in partnership with other language professionals, I draw from my broad experience to provide premium linguistic services.
You can see our passion for our work in the results we deliver.


(c) Claire Moussel


It’s important to keep in mind that you should choose translators and revisers who are familiar with your particular field, like your business would when working with other professionals. This ensures that your language professional fully understands your source text and has a command of the correct terminology—two essential elements for producing high-quality content.
Below are our particular areas of focus. This list is not exhaustive; don’t hesitate to contact us for linguistic services in other fields. One of our skilled team members will have the knowledge to handle your request and surpass your expectations, regardless of your line of business.

  • Tutorials and training

  • Technical

  • Marketing

  • Communications

  • Websites, blogs

  • Tourism, culture, history

  • New technologies, digital platforms, apps

  • Maritime

  • Retail, e-commerce

  • Administration, government affairs

  • Technology

  • Human resources

  • Health and safety

  • Real estate

  • Beauty and spa services, fashion


What are clients our saying about us

Joanie is an experienced and versatile translator who is skilled in producing French translations that read like original texts. I never hesitate to recommend her for English to French translations!

– Emily Wilson, French to English translator



Je travaille avec Traductions Joanie Langelier depuis un an et je n’ai jamais été déçue. Joanie est une traductrice très efficace toujours avec une attitude positive. Travailler avec elle est vraiment un plaisir pour moi. 

– Lerna, propriétaire, Shopping Blue / Magasinez Bleu



Je connais Joanie comme traductrice et j’ai recours à ses services depuis déjà quelques années. Malgré que mes demandes concernaient en majorité des articles scientifiques spécialisés, Joanie a toujours répondu avec précision, minutie et beaucoup de professionnalisme, dépassant mes attentes. Le taux d’acceptation, du premier coup, de nos articles a augmenté depuis que je fais affaire avec elle. Son entregent, sa simplicité, sa sincérité et son sens de perfectionnisme rendent notre collaboration facile et fluide. Merci Joanie pour ta contribution à la réussite de ma recherche et celle de mes étudiants de maîtrise et de doctorat. Personne ne pourra battre ta gentillesse, ta ponctualité et ta compétence.

– Georges Abdul-Nour, Ph.D., ing., directeur Département Génie Industriel de l’UQTR



After working with Joanie since more than a year on multiple projects, I am happy to write this recommendation for her. She has been a vital part of my linguistic team. In addition to providing best linguistic quality, the best part about her work is her proactive approach in being part of the project. She gets involved in the project and provides linguistic feedback and recommendations, while keeping a keen eye towards any deviations, which proves to be really helpful.

– Shivam, Project Manager at Transperfect



Joanie Langelier a été stagiaire, puis pigiste pour la Fédération CJA, l’adresse centrale de la philanthropie et des services de la communauté juive de Montréal. Ayant travaillé à la fois comme traductrice et terminologue, elle a prouvé sa polyvalence, son souci du travail bien fait et sa curiosité intellectuelle. Par ailleurs, Joanie s’est toujours fait un point d’honneur de respecter les échéances fixées. En somme, Joanie est une traductrice sérieuse, qui se distingue par son autonomie, son sens de l’organisation et son excellente maîtrise de la  langue française.

– Hélène Langlois, Fédération CJA



We have been working with Joanie at Traductions Joanie Langelier for the translation of our promotional material for our new Montreal Franchise. We have found Joanie to be very professional to deal with. Her prices are competitive and she goes above and beyond to make sure the translation is correct. Joanie will even email us with suggestions on how the translation can be formatted for our Quebec clients. We would highly recommend Joanie for any translation job!

– Monkeynastix Burlington



We love Joanie’s positive attitude and detail-oriented approach. She’s very responsive, asks the right questions and is open to new challenges. A joy to work with!

– Sebastien Chorney, Decodr



She is doing really nice, quick reply and giving us adequate translation always. I’m sure she will give you a big hand when you need French translation.




For any questions or to obtain a quote, please do not hesitate to contact us.










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